Do you believe?
So, I am supposed to be writing on a daily but yesterday I just got a bit caught with some stuff. Hit a snull with some code that has been 'bugging' me (get it, bugging ) all last night and today and didn't get much into writing. For those guys that write, have you ever gotten a writer's block ? Those instances where you want to write, get out your PC or pen and paper and nothing is coming out, not a single word and the only thing running through your mind are unicorns and rainbows. I remember this one time I wanted to write a blog. I was working at the time and I had some free time. I opened Microsoft Word and I just stared at the screen, nothing was coming to me. I told myself may be I just need to free my mind, you know, do some "mental yoga". So I keyed in 'YouTube' on my browser and 60 minutes later I was knees deep in videos on aliens, supernatural beings and fail videos (been stuck at this exact sentence for a couple of minutes becaus...