DAY ONE.............................ISH.

It's really been a long while since I last wrote. Not a story but just me writing down my thoughts (hence the title of my blog). It does come at a time when the whole world is going through a rough state. Economies falling, people dying and companies showing their true colours in not paying their employees, you know, the ones that have enabled this companies to have gazillions of dollars.
Everyday I ask myself, "Where did this virus come from?" Is it really from guys a diverse edibles or is it lab-made? I am not a conspiracy theorist (Fun fact, this word was coined by the CIA when JFK was assassinated. Something about making guys not to question their conscious. Not sure but here's a link for you to read here) so bare with me here. It is alleged that the virus was developed in a Wuhan lab, which is partly owned by The Gates Foundation and they released it in the market, mainly through the air vents. As shown by the leaked emails that were online. (Check gatesleaked on Twitter.) It was a ploy by the Gates Foundation to accomplish Gates' goal of reducing the earth's population by 30%. That's a reduction of 2.1 BILLION PEOPLE!!!!!! Assuming the world's population is 7 billion people. That's almost like completely wiping off India, China and half of Nigeria. The vaccine apparently leads to men getting impotent thus population control and answers as to why men dare dying more from Covid-19 (bare with me here, not much sense here but, bare with me). I saw a headline today on Aljazeera as to why the virus is killing more men than women. I didn't watch it. I got side-tracked by Candy Crush but could it be the the virus is species targeted for the whole population control theory? 
Well, wasn't really writing to talk about Covid-19 and the theories behind it. Wanted to talk about me trying to learn android development for the hundredth time now. This time I am actually serious about it. I have to, I have nothing else to do. At least this time I am following the tutorials step-by-step and I am understanding the concepts. 
I have like a lot of things I need to learn. Got all the videos and the coding environments and I am just excited to see what I'll come with at the end.
I am really hoping to continue with this writing thing on a daily, talk about my learning, politics; speaking of politics, have you all heard Trump's press briefings? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Entertaining.
Hopefully this is a first of many blogs. See you soon. 


I think this 👆 will be my new signature.


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